Select (Blade)


Definition /resources/views/forms/input/select.blade.php

(at)include ('', 
            ["model" => "state", 
            "show_label" => true,
            "field" => "state_id",  
            "options"=> $states, 
            "option_label" => "lang_de",    
            "option_id" => "code",    
            "optgroup" => $countries,    
            "optgroup_label" => "lang_de",
            "optgroup_id" => "alpha2",
            "optgroup_reference_field" => "country",    
            "value" =>  old('state_id', isset($organizationtype->state_id) ? $organizationtype->state_id : '')])         
Parameter Type Description
model string Name of Model e.g: App\State
show_label boolean If true label is shown
label string If label is set it is used, if not fallback is used trans("global.{$model}.title_singular"),
field string Name of input field
css string Additional CSS for form-group
class_left string Additional CSS for <label>
class_right string Additional CSS for form-control
style string Additional styles for form-control
multiple boolean If true select/deselect all is shown
onchange string If set, onchange="{ { $onchange } }" is added to select field
options array Array of options
option_id string If set value of option_id is used, if not fallback is id
option_label string If set value of option_label is used, if not fallback is value of $option[i]->title
optgroup array Array of optiongroup
optgroup_id string If set value of optgroup_id is used, if not fallback is id
optgroup_label string If set value of optgroup_label is used, if not fallback is value of $optgroup[i]->title
optgroup_reference_field string Reference field $options[i]->optgroup_reference_field which is related to optgroup_id
value string Selected option value